Monday, November 10, 2008

Back to Work :(

Today is my first day back to work in six weeks and it's horrible! Not that my job is horrible, it's ok, but leaving my baby was horrible. For a time I know that this is just life, we need to pay the bills, therefore I need to go back to work. However, it doesn't change the fact that I cried all the way to work. We are so blessed to have a great daycare only 5 blocks from our house.
She told me I could call if I needed to, however, I think it would be worse if I did. I'm told it gets easier after a time, but I'm not sure that I want it to get easier. My dream job would be an at home mom. And hold the presses... I would home school. We'll be there by the time Jayden starts school, in fact our goal is 2 years. By the time Jayden turns 2 I want to be home full time.
But for now, I work and miss my baby every minute.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm so bad... I've been home for almost a month now and I haven't updated anything yet. We
made it home successful after 3 days of travel from Abilene with a newborn. I love being at home, for the time being anyway. I will be going back to work on November 10.
Having Jayden is such a joy! I look at him and I just know that he was hand chosen by God for our family. People say he even looks like Mike.
Next month is National Adoption Month and I am so excited about adoption. Yes, it's a scary process, but I wouldn't change a thing. He is so worth it. If you are at all interested in adopting, please check out this It's the site for God's Children Adoption Agency.

God has given the church the task of caring for the widows and the orphans. I once heard there are over 120,000 orphans in the US alone, that's not including around the globe.

And, now I must cut this short, I hear Jayden.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Heading Home

Hello ya'll,

We are leaving Wednesday morning. God blessed us with an amazing 24 hour approval to head home with Jayden. This is unusual as the normal time is 5-10 days.

Thank you to all who prayed for us to be able to leave so soon.

Thank you all,

Mike and Shonna

Monday, September 29, 2008


Jayden Michael Severson was placed into our family this morning. We have been so blessed by the agency here, our workers back home and the care family who has cared for him until we got here. He is a beautiful baby boy as well as being a good baby. We'll be updating more pictures soon.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Well ya'll,

We have made it to Abilene. We are so excited to be here!

Monday morning we go at 9:30 AM to pick up Jayden Michael, so look for pictures in the comming days.

Mike and I would like to thank everyone for their support and prayers.

We are praying that we get the green light to leave on Friday (10/3/08). We would love you have you join us in praying that the paper work is completed in record time. God has been so good up to this point, and we know that He can move mountains that are yet to come.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

We're having a baby!

Ok, so I'm exhausted and Jayden is not even with us yet! I had this revelation as I was falling asleep in the dentist chair this morning. It's pretty bad if you fall asleep as they are drilling. But anyway, I survived and I'm now at work mentally going through the lists in my brain to make sure we have everything we could ever need.
It's unbelievable that in a matter of a few days we will be parents. Have no fear though, I'm pretty sure Mike and I can handle it. A few people have voiced opinions/concerns that we may not know what we're getting into! At this point, I'm sarcastically telling them that "I thought he could just stay in the kennel with Lucy until he gets bigger?" Seriously people, I'm fairly sure we can handle it and are prepared as much as any parent can be. We know we have to change his diapers and feed him among other things. We know we will lose some sleep (in my opinion this is a good reason to lose sleep, as opposed to managing an apartment building and being woke up to help drunk tenants open their door or clean up apartments when someone overflows their bathtub in the middle of the night).
We'll keep you all posted as much as possible and keep checking for pictures. Thank you to all of you who have supported and prayed for us. It appears as though we are just about there. Keep praying that paperwork moves through quickly and safe travel.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Travel Date

I got a call from our agency this morning and we're on our way. It looks like we'll get to leave this weekend or early next week. I'm meeting with a pediatrician this afternoon to go over the risks. We need this form in order to complete the process. The b-mom is schizophrenic and that is something we need to be aware of. I'm not worried because one of my friends has a schizophrenic sister and she has 3 completely normal kids. But we understand that it may be a risk and need this form to continue.
Please continue to pray with us for Jayden's health, we are trusting God at this point and he's doing very well! He was born on September 12 at 6 lb 12 oz and 19 3/4 inches in length.
Pray for traveling mercies and for paperwork to move quickly so Mike can actually drive home with us, otherwise he'll have to fly home early to come back to work.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jayden Michael Severson

We have gotten word that our baby boy has been born! We had gotten a call a few weeks ago that a homeless b-mom had walked into the adoption agency. We gave them permission to show her our profile and last week the agency asked us to commit to her.
All we knew is that her due date was coming close and the baby was healthy. I got the update yesterday that he has been born, the time has passed and there is no concern of her changing her mind. We don't know details of his birth other that he's healthy caucasian male. They are currently working on paperwork right now to get things rolling and we'll be able to have a travel date soon.
In the meantime I will be getting the phone number to the care home he is in so I will be able to speak to them and hopefully get pictures. Mike and I are both completely in shock, after spending the afternoon telling our families, I announced to the kids last night in choir practice. Neither one of us got much sleep last night. All we could think about is the amount of work we have to do.
But we wouldn't change it for anything.... it was so worth the wait!
We'll post more as we become informed.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Ok, this is a huge step for me because I don't consider myself political much at all. However, I have been so impressed with Sarah Palin. I believe she is a great choice in a VP. I have been watching the convention off and on and I did happen to catch some of Cindy McCain's speech last night and it blew me away. I had no idea she was so involved in humanitarian work, or that they had adopted. That right there wins my heart.
We're still waiting to hear on the last B-mom that saw our profile. It's hard to get your heart excited when you still have that nagging doubt that this one might not work out. Adoption is such an emotional roller coaster, between finding the money and preparing your home to the other end of the spectrum and preparing your hearts.
We're getting our home ready for fall. We needed to build a shed, which is being done this weekend and then we need to start working on the garage and basement. Moving into a house is a big process. But this week we have auditions for our Children's Christmas Production. It's right around the corner.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I've been horrible at updating our blog lately and there are still no pictures on it. But life gets so busy! We're still waiting for a baby-we've heard nothing yet. However, our puppy Lucy keeps us busy. All I can say is it's a good thing that we have hardwood floors or I would be cleaning carpet all the time.
We just wanted to let everyone know to pray for Brynn Duncan, she's a little girl who goes to our church and lives in our neighborhood. She was in a serious car accident on August 18th. You can see her updates at
At this point we have no idea what plans God has in store. Sometimes I get very impatient with the waiting but there's nothing else I can do. We've done all the footwork, the paperwork and we now just wait.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Here's where we are at...

Things have been a little crazy since the B-mom changed her mind. We've moved into our new house and have been insanely working on our basement. This past week our social worker asked us if we would be willing to have our profile sent to a B-mom with twin boys. Of course I said YES!!! However, when she sent all of the information to the families... the cost would be $35,500!!!!!! At that point we had to decline, there is no way we can come up with that much money. We took it that God was closing that door. We got an e-mail this morning from our worker and she responded to the other agency that none of her families could say yes due to the cost. However, if the cost was lower, there would be profiles to send.
We'll see from here. God is in control and I've put a fleece out on this one, we know what it has to come down to in order for us to say yes. We just have to wait and see what happens.
I promise that I'll be putting pictures in starting this weekend. We have our office almost set up and then our computer will be set up, along with our access to everything!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Back to square one....

I've been dreading this for the last few days. We got a call on Sunday for our social worker that she had some bad news. The b-mom has decided to parent. I knew when she called that there was something wrong. I still think I'm in a daze, one day there's a baby and the next day there's not. I still am not sure how to feel, it's strange. Sometimes, I think I'm ok but then I smell my newborn nephew and it makes me want to cry or I'll see a pregnant woman and it starts all over again.
I knew it was possible, but I was really hoping that it wouldn't happen to us. So now, we wait. Working on the house has distracted me some, but it's the evening or when it's quiet that I actually start thinking about it. I know that I need to trust God and he obviously sees the bigger picture and knows the end result. But it's easier said than done.

Monday, June 9, 2008

We're in the home stretch

We made it through the weekend and now we're in the home stretch. Tonight we're going to finish up the last minute packing and sleep (which we're in desperate need of... and the baby isn't even here yet) Tomorrow night is our final walk through and we're going to take some measurements and pick up a couple of last minute things like curtains, a shower organizer, etc. Wednesday, we're getting my family here after work to load their cars so they are ready to move once we close on Thursday. Then Thursday is the big day, we close at 4 pm and we need to kick butt that night to get the 2 bedrooms painted, the carpet pulled up in the living room and my goal is to get the laundry room, the kitchen and the bathroom set up.
Then we have to work on Friday, but I'm only going in for half day while my family continues to work on the house. We're hoping to get the storage area set up as well as the baby's room Friday night.
We want to finish Saturday evening after the benefit so we have a chance to put things away on Sunday before we need to go back to work Monday morning.
Please, please, please pray for us... that God gives us strength this week as we have another marathon week as well as for the benefit dinner on Saturday, we are still needing to raise more funds for our adoption.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Ever have one of "those" days...or weeks?

I'll have to be honest... I don't think I can handle too much more. I'm already feeling the emotional ups and downs of the adoption process. I keep hearing the same questions? What if the b-mom changes her mind? What if we don't come up with enough money?
I know God is faithful and he says he won't give us more than we can handle, but, I'm nearing my breaking point. We close on our house Thursday so my entire house is in boxes right now, we have a family wedding this weekend and on top of it one of my close friends died on Monday.

By this time, I think I'm just in a daze. Getting up and dragging myself through the motions everyday. I have to admit by Wednesday I just needed some serious girlfriend time and just as I got home from meeting with one friend one of my other friends from out of town called and she was in town with someone and wanted to meet. But God seriously has a sense of humor because the "friend" that she brought was also in the adoption process and knew exactly how I was feeling.

Hallelujah, I'm not alone and I'm not crazy. I just might make it through.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's A Girl!!!

We have found out we're having a girl. The due date is August 8th, however, this B-mom has premature babies. We're praying she makes it to July 15th, which will be 37 weeks. Things are crazy around our house right now. We close on our house June 12, so we're busy packing and getting ready for baby at the same time!
Right now is the crunch time for fundraising. We had a great yard sale and we're preparing a lot of food for the Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser at the Teamsters on Saturday June 14 from 12 to 4 in Fargo. We have some great door prizes to give away. Please come out and help us get our baby!

Mike & Shonna

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Today is the start of our HUGE garage sale! My parents and in-laws and lots of other friends and family have donated a lot of stuff for us to sell. We're praying hard for nice weather and a lot of people. My mom and grandma are over there setting up right now while I'm working. If any of you out there are in the Fargo/Moorhead area check it out.

I promise I'll get pictures and more information out here when I'm actually able to spend time working on the computer at home.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Does Anyone Else Have These Fears?

Sorry, I submitted too soon. The fears I'm talking aboout is pure panic, we've gotten the referral, but haven't heard anything recently and I'm so nervous the Birth Mom has changed her mind. Then I'm worried about the money. I know we just need to trust God because he didn't take us this far to drop us on our head, however, I still panic.

Does Anyone Else Have These Fears?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

We're on our way....
The paperwork and profile books are finished and now we're just playing the waiting game. I've never been good at being patient but we really don't have a choice. God is in control and he knows the right baby for us.
Here are some things that we're praying for:
* Patience
* Finances-we need to be able to come up with anywhere from $12,000 to $17,000 plus airfare and hotel.
* Timing-that we would be ready to go when they call, we're in the process of moving in the next couple of months (bad timing I know) But when God moves, he moves.

We are in the process of planning a couple of fundraisers. The first one is a huge rummage sale where we have kids stuff, antiques, clothing, all kinds of stuff donated to help us out. And secondly, a huge thanks to my in-laws and my parents for planning a Spaghetti Dinner in June at the Teamsters in Fargo to help us out. I'll be posting more information at a later date on times and such.

If you have any questions or would like to help us out please contact us at my e-mail...

Mike & Shonna

Monday, March 3, 2008

New Experience

Ok, here it goes. This is completely new for me. We'll see how this goes.