Friday, June 6, 2008

Ever have one of "those" days...or weeks?

I'll have to be honest... I don't think I can handle too much more. I'm already feeling the emotional ups and downs of the adoption process. I keep hearing the same questions? What if the b-mom changes her mind? What if we don't come up with enough money?
I know God is faithful and he says he won't give us more than we can handle, but, I'm nearing my breaking point. We close on our house Thursday so my entire house is in boxes right now, we have a family wedding this weekend and on top of it one of my close friends died on Monday.

By this time, I think I'm just in a daze. Getting up and dragging myself through the motions everyday. I have to admit by Wednesday I just needed some serious girlfriend time and just as I got home from meeting with one friend one of my other friends from out of town called and she was in town with someone and wanted to meet. But God seriously has a sense of humor because the "friend" that she brought was also in the adoption process and knew exactly how I was feeling.

Hallelujah, I'm not alone and I'm not crazy. I just might make it through.

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