Friday, February 19, 2010


It's Friday night at 9:30 and I'm finally home.... my day started this morning at 6:00 am when my first alarm went off. After work I headed to a great MOPS regional meeting.

Amazing things happen when you get that many Mothers of Preschoolers in one room. The coffee shop actually had to kick us out! There's so much to learn from each other.

If you are a mother of a preschooler and are not part of a MOPS group... seek one will be well worth your while.


Free Personal signatures - cool!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

I Love Being A Mom!

There used to be a song... I don't remember who sang it, but it was "I love being a girl" maybe it was from a musical, however, I love being a mom. Every day it's something new that Jayden learns... whether it's a new word or how to give "5" or how things around the house work. It's amazing! Yesterday as I drove him home after I picked him up, I quizzed him on how many words he knew... we went through the basics... ma-ma, da-da, nigh-nigh, and onto please, all done, I see, Papa, his "Lucy" is a little hard to understand, but we know what he means.

Does he drive me crazy??? Absolutely, like when he screams at me the entire time I'm making dinner because he thinks he needs to be held at the same time? Or when he determines to get into the dog's water or drink it? Or yet another shoe makes the flight down to the bottom of the stairs. But at the end of the day, I can remember, it's just a phase and to stop and enjoy every moment. Because I'm beginning to see how quickly they grow up.

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