Monday, June 9, 2008

We're in the home stretch

We made it through the weekend and now we're in the home stretch. Tonight we're going to finish up the last minute packing and sleep (which we're in desperate need of... and the baby isn't even here yet) Tomorrow night is our final walk through and we're going to take some measurements and pick up a couple of last minute things like curtains, a shower organizer, etc. Wednesday, we're getting my family here after work to load their cars so they are ready to move once we close on Thursday. Then Thursday is the big day, we close at 4 pm and we need to kick butt that night to get the 2 bedrooms painted, the carpet pulled up in the living room and my goal is to get the laundry room, the kitchen and the bathroom set up.
Then we have to work on Friday, but I'm only going in for half day while my family continues to work on the house. We're hoping to get the storage area set up as well as the baby's room Friday night.
We want to finish Saturday evening after the benefit so we have a chance to put things away on Sunday before we need to go back to work Monday morning.
Please, please, please pray for us... that God gives us strength this week as we have another marathon week as well as for the benefit dinner on Saturday, we are still needing to raise more funds for our adoption.

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