Thursday, June 19, 2008

Back to square one....

I've been dreading this for the last few days. We got a call on Sunday for our social worker that she had some bad news. The b-mom has decided to parent. I knew when she called that there was something wrong. I still think I'm in a daze, one day there's a baby and the next day there's not. I still am not sure how to feel, it's strange. Sometimes, I think I'm ok but then I smell my newborn nephew and it makes me want to cry or I'll see a pregnant woman and it starts all over again.
I knew it was possible, but I was really hoping that it wouldn't happen to us. So now, we wait. Working on the house has distracted me some, but it's the evening or when it's quiet that I actually start thinking about it. I know that I need to trust God and he obviously sees the bigger picture and knows the end result. But it's easier said than done.

1 comment:

Laura Lu said...

aw, hugs shonna. it is hard, i know. i'll keep praying for you.