Friday, July 11, 2008

Here's where we are at...

Things have been a little crazy since the B-mom changed her mind. We've moved into our new house and have been insanely working on our basement. This past week our social worker asked us if we would be willing to have our profile sent to a B-mom with twin boys. Of course I said YES!!! However, when she sent all of the information to the families... the cost would be $35,500!!!!!! At that point we had to decline, there is no way we can come up with that much money. We took it that God was closing that door. We got an e-mail this morning from our worker and she responded to the other agency that none of her families could say yes due to the cost. However, if the cost was lower, there would be profiles to send.
We'll see from here. God is in control and I've put a fleece out on this one, we know what it has to come down to in order for us to say yes. We just have to wait and see what happens.
I promise that I'll be putting pictures in starting this weekend. We have our office almost set up and then our computer will be set up, along with our access to everything!

1 comment:

Laura Lu said...

Oh wow, that's exciting! But sheesh...why do some agencies have such high placement fees? stupid.