Friday, September 5, 2008


Ok, this is a huge step for me because I don't consider myself political much at all. However, I have been so impressed with Sarah Palin. I believe she is a great choice in a VP. I have been watching the convention off and on and I did happen to catch some of Cindy McCain's speech last night and it blew me away. I had no idea she was so involved in humanitarian work, or that they had adopted. That right there wins my heart.
We're still waiting to hear on the last B-mom that saw our profile. It's hard to get your heart excited when you still have that nagging doubt that this one might not work out. Adoption is such an emotional roller coaster, between finding the money and preparing your home to the other end of the spectrum and preparing your hearts.
We're getting our home ready for fall. We needed to build a shed, which is being done this weekend and then we need to start working on the garage and basement. Moving into a house is a big process. But this week we have auditions for our Children's Christmas Production. It's right around the corner.

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